Home / 15 Best rated [15]
Beautiful sunset on lake19297 viewsArray ( [id] => 1482 [file] => Magnifique coucher de soleil sur lac.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-12 00:28:36 [date_creation] => [name] => Magnifique coucher de soleil sur lac [name_en] => Beautiful sunset on lake [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 19297 [filesize] => 1246 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-12 [rating_score] => 4.78 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/12/20190412002836-68023ca1.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 68023ca15421839f9f0b351e1ccbd0d2 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-03 21:55:49 [rank] => 0 [TN_ALT] => Magnifique coucher de soleil sur lac [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Beautiful sunset on lake [TN_TITLE] => Magnifique coucher de soleil sur lac (19297 visits, rating score 4.78) [URL] => picture.php?/1482/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1482 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/12/20190412002836-68023ca1.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.78) Magnifique coucher de soleil sur lac ) views
Little bridge in winter13568 viewsArray ( [id] => 1056 [file] => Petit pont en hiver.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-12 14:46:45 [date_creation] => [name] => Petit pont en hiver [name_en] => Little bridge in winter [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 13568 [filesize] => 911 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-12 [rating_score] => 4.66 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/12/20180412144645-d4ab6983.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => d4ab69832dc689ab7c873cda9abd7377 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-06-09 16:50:27 [rank] => 1 [TN_ALT] => Petit pont en hiver [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Little bridge in winter [TN_TITLE] => Petit pont en hiver (13568 visits, rating score 4.66) [URL] => picture.php?/1056/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1056 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/12/20180412144645-d4ab6983.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.66) Petit pont en hiver ) views
Dream Beach (2)16046 viewsArray ( [id] => 796 [file] => Plage de rêves (2).jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 16:22:21 [date_creation] => [name] => Plage de rêves (2) [name_en] => Dream Beach (2) [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 16046 [filesize] => 334 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1440 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => 4.66 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411162221-dd86ff34.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => dd86ff34775d5e7b1d5ac7dab0479843 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-06-09 16:50:27 [rank] => 2 [TN_ALT] => Plage de rêves (2) [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Dream Beach (2) [TN_TITLE] => Plage de rêves (2) (16046 visits, rating score 4.66) [URL] => picture.php?/796/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 796 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411162221-dd86ff34.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1440 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.66) Plage de rêves (2) ) views
Grizzly wallpaper8147 viewsArray ( [id] => 404 [file] => Grizzly _ fond d'écran.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-05 12:50:59 [date_creation] => [name] => Grizzly fond d'écran [name_en] => Grizzly wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 8147 [filesize] => 296 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-05 [rating_score] => 4.66 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/05/20180405125059-b9564a9f.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => b9564a9f43dad4b6ef9b07ca88aa1b0a [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-06-09 16:50:27 [rank] => 3 [TN_ALT] => Grizzly fond d'écran [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Grizzly wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Grizzly fond d'écran (8147 visits, rating score 4.66) [URL] => picture.php?/404/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 404 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/05/20180405125059-b9564a9f.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.66) Grizzly fond d'écran ) views
Landscape HD wallpaper27424 viewsArray ( [id] => 1593 [file] => Paysage fond écran HD.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-17 16:29:53 [date_creation] => [name] => Paysage fond écran HD [name_en] => Landscape HD wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 27424 [filesize] => 942 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-17 [rating_score] => 4.64 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/17/20190417162953-b5d57986.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => b5d5798604fdb9c50d27580b00854519 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2023-12-30 07:41:53 [rank] => 4 [TN_ALT] => Paysage fond écran HD [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Landscape HD wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Paysage fond écran HD (27424 visits, rating score 4.64) [URL] => picture.php?/1593/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1593 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/17/20190417162953-b5d57986.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.64) Paysage fond écran HD ) views
54391 viewsArray ( [id] => 2843 [file] => Vacances dans les îles.jpg [date_available] => 2022-05-25 12:18:07 [date_creation] => [name] => Vacances dans les îles [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 54391 [filesize] => 4254 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2022-05-25 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2022/05/25/20220525121807-dc034e6d.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => dc034e6df59c539f547496372633a558 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 5 [TN_ALT] => Vacances dans les îles [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Vacances dans les îles (54391 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/2843/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 2843 [rel_path] => ./upload/2022/05/25/20220525121807-dc034e6d.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Vacances dans les îles ) views
Spring in the mountains13702 viewsArray ( [id] => 1668 [file] => Printemps dans les montagnes.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-17 20:39:55 [date_creation] => [name] => Printemps dans les montagnes [name_en] => Spring in the mountains [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 13702 [filesize] => 1843 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-17 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/17/20190417203955-3927f866.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 3927f8660b32488095734ec30bf38bd1 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 6 [TN_ALT] => Printemps dans les montagnes [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Spring in the mountains [TN_TITLE] => Printemps dans les montagnes (13702 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/1668/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1668 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/17/20190417203955-3927f866.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Printemps dans les montagnes ) views
Landscapes - Waterfalls17084 viewsArray ( [id] => 1596 [file] => Paysages - chutes d'eau.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-17 16:29:55 [date_creation] => [name] => Paysages - chutes d'eau [name_en] => Landscapes - Waterfalls [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 17084 [filesize] => 446 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-17 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/17/20190417162955-9a675bef.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 9a675befa94d615069b7aed84843c707 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 7 [TN_ALT] => Paysages - chutes d'eau [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Landscapes - Waterfalls [TN_TITLE] => Paysages - chutes d'eau (17084 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/1596/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1596 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/17/20190417162955-9a675bef.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Paysages - chutes d'eau ) views
Sunset on the seaside15133 viewsArray ( [id] => 1446 [file] => Coucher de soleil sur le bord de mer.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-12 00:25:54 [date_creation] => 2011-10-01 21:01:41 [name] => Coucher de soleil sur le bord de mer [name_en] => Sunset on the seaside [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 15133 [filesize] => 707 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-12 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/12/20190412002554-6754eedb.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 6754eedb59a689ca93da4f637284e298 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 8 [TN_ALT] => Coucher de soleil sur le bord de mer [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Sunset on the seaside [TN_TITLE] => Coucher de soleil sur le bord de mer (15133 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/1446/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1446 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/12/20190412002554-6754eedb.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Coucher de soleil sur le bord de mer ) views
Under the snow11177 viewsArray ( [id] => 1421 [file] => Sous la neige.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-11 23:40:30 [date_creation] => [name] => Sous la neige [name_en] => Under the snow [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 11177 [filesize] => 449 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1440 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-11 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/11/20190411234030-69befdfe.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 69befdfeba49b432d2a3c164de2f8f68 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 9 [TN_ALT] => Sous la neige [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Under the snow [TN_TITLE] => Sous la neige (11177 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/1421/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1421 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/11/20190411234030-69befdfe.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1440 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Sous la neige ) views
Clouds - HD Wallpaper10371 viewsArray ( [id] => 1132 [file] => Nuage - Wallpaper HD.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-11 12:36:35 [date_creation] => [name] => Nuages - Wallpaper HD [name_en] => Clouds - HD Wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 10371 [filesize] => 806 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-11 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/11/20190411123635-ce092a4d.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => ce092a4d1ee48f5eedb41b45b3c77de5 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 10 [TN_ALT] => Nuages - Wallpaper HD [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Clouds - HD Wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Nuages - Wallpaper HD (10371 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/1132/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1132 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/11/20190411123635-ce092a4d.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Nuages - Wallpaper HD ) views
Beautiful winter landscape - HD wallpaper11700 viewsArray ( [id] => 1070 [file] => Superbe paysage hivernal - wallpaper HD.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-12 14:48:14 [date_creation] => [name] => Superbe paysage hivernal - wallpaper HD [name_en] => Beautiful winter landscape - HD wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 11700 [filesize] => 1234 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-12 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/12/20180412144814-5570b231.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 5570b2310a207c6e108157bd098cc968 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 11 [TN_ALT] => Superbe paysage hivernal - wallpaper HD [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Beautiful winter landscape - HD wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Superbe paysage hivernal - wallpaper HD (11700 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/1070/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1070 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/12/20180412144814-5570b231.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Superbe paysage hivernal - wallpaper HD ) views
Tropical beach - Wallpaper19161 viewsArray ( [id] => 177 [file] => Plage tropicale - Wallpaper.jpg [date_available] => 2018-03-29 12:12:13 [date_creation] => [name] => Plage tropicale - Wallpaper [name_en] => Tropical beach - Wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 19161 [filesize] => 12750 [width] => 6838 [height] => 4682 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-03-29 [rating_score] => 4.59 [path] => ./upload/2018/03/29/20180329121213-215e2914.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 215e2914e6609f258291dc5ed501af49 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:50:20 [rank] => 12 [TN_ALT] => Plage tropicale - Wallpaper [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Tropical beach - Wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Plage tropicale - Wallpaper (19161 visits, rating score 4.59) [URL] => picture.php?/177/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 177 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/03/29/20180329121213-215e2914.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 6838 [1] => 4682 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.59) Plage tropicale - Wallpaper ) views
Snow wallpaper HD10435 viewsArray ( [id] => 1390 [file] => Neige fond d'écran HD.jpg [date_available] => 2019-04-11 23:39:22 [date_creation] => [name] => Neige fond d'écran HD [name_en] => Snow wallpaper HD [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 10435 [filesize] => 2197 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2019-04-11 [rating_score] => 4.48 [path] => ./upload/2019/04/11/20190411233922-2f73d20d.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 2f73d20d3dccc956f01b8921d7d5763e [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-12-05 15:22:41 [rank] => 13 [TN_ALT] => Neige fond d'écran HD [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Snow wallpaper HD [TN_TITLE] => Neige fond d'écran HD (10435 visits, rating score 4.48) [URL] => picture.php?/1390/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 1390 [rel_path] => ./upload/2019/04/11/20190411233922-2f73d20d.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.48) Neige fond d'écran HD ) views
7811 viewsArray ( [id] => 2292 [file] => Superbe cascade.jpg [date_available] => 2022-04-04 17:53:13 [date_creation] => 2012-12-24 17:44:02 [name] => Superbe cascade [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 7811 [filesize] => 5694 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2022-04-04 [rating_score] => 4.47 [path] => ./upload/2022/04/04/20220404175313-6a72aa39.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 6a72aa39f949793cde3387f9bf2d5e41 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-11-22 17:49:37 [rank] => 14 [TN_ALT] => Superbe cascade [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Superbe cascade (7811 visits, rating score 4.47) [URL] => picture.php?/2292/best_rated [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 2292 [rel_path] => ./upload/2022/04/04/20220404175313-6a72aa39.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => (4.47) Superbe cascade ) views