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Home / Traveling / Africa and Middle East [17]
2397 viewsArray ( [id] => 4002 [file] => Dubaï de nuit.jpg [date_available] => 2024-04-04 23:08:11 [date_creation] => [name] => Dubaï de nuit [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 2397 [filesize] => 2909 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2024-04-04 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2024/04/04/20240404230811-1befd220.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 1befd220f5afda38ef6344736e578043 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-04-04 23:09:02 [rank] => 0 [TN_ALT] => Dubaï de nuit [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Dubaï de nuit (2397 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/4002/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 4002 [rel_path] => ./upload/2024/04/04/20240404230811-1befd220.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Dubaï de nuit ) views
2555 viewsArray ( [id] => 4001 [file] => Dubaï de nuit - vue aerienne.jpg [date_available] => 2024-04-04 23:07:47 [date_creation] => [name] => Dubaï de nuit - vue aerienne [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 2555 [filesize] => 9494 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2024-04-04 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2024/04/04/20240404230747-5b57cc30.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 5b57cc30ee796a4f0142844630c84bf8 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-04-04 23:09:02 [rank] => 1 [TN_ALT] => Dubaï de nuit - vue aerienne [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Dubaï de nuit - vue aerienne (2555 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/4001/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 4001 [rel_path] => ./upload/2024/04/04/20240404230747-5b57cc30.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Dubaï de nuit - vue aerienne ) views
2250 viewsArray ( [id] => 4000 [file] => Afrique - Panorama.jpg [date_available] => 2024-04-04 23:07:37 [date_creation] => [name] => Afrique - Panorama [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 2250 [filesize] => 1371 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2024-04-04 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2024/04/04/20240404230737-3c5808fd.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 3c5808fd2fa1d3bbce88288ba9078604 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-04-04 23:09:21 [rank] => 2 [TN_ALT] => Afrique - Panorama [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Afrique - Panorama (2250 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/4000/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 4000 [rel_path] => ./upload/2024/04/04/20240404230737-3c5808fd.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Afrique - Panorama ) views
3512 viewsArray ( [id] => 2150 [file] => Voyage Maroc - porte.jpg [date_available] => 2021-11-04 18:40:51 [date_creation] => [name] => Voyage Maroc - porte [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 3512 [filesize] => 1136 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2021-11-04 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2021/11/04/20211104184051-da51df9c.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => da51df9c6c4e326245ba923e2ee9b068 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2021-11-04 18:41:22 [rank] => 3 [TN_ALT] => Voyage Maroc - porte [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Voyage Maroc - porte (3512 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/2150/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 2150 [rel_path] => ./upload/2021/11/04/20211104184051-da51df9c.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Voyage Maroc - porte ) views
3588 viewsArray ( [id] => 2149 [file] => Savane Afrique - Girafe.jpg [date_available] => 2021-11-04 18:40:48 [date_creation] => [name] => Savane Afrique - Girafe [name_en] => [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 3588 [filesize] => 1862 [width] => 3840 [height] => 2160 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2021-11-04 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2021/11/04/20211104184048-d4f0d192.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => d4f0d1920dc2d46d84c6af39b456f17e [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2021-11-04 18:41:22 [rank] => 4 [TN_ALT] => Savane Afrique - Girafe [TN_TITLE_ENG] => [TN_TITLE] => Savane Afrique - Girafe (3588 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/2149/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 2149 [rel_path] => ./upload/2021/11/04/20211104184048-d4f0d192.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 3840 [1] => 2160 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Savane Afrique - Girafe ) views
Journey to the pyramids9352 viewsArray ( [id] => 722 [file] => Voyage aux pyramides.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:40 [date_creation] => [name] => Voyage aux pyramides [name_en] => Journey to the pyramids [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 9352 [filesize] => 1109 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1200 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154140-afd2fb65.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => afd2fb65f208d6c0cbe41c24bfdcedfd [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 5 [TN_ALT] => Voyage aux pyramides [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Journey to the pyramids [TN_TITLE] => Voyage aux pyramides (9352 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/722/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 722 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154140-afd2fb65.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1200 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Voyage aux pyramides ) views
Head of the Sphinx8341 viewsArray ( [id] => 721 [file] => Tête du Sphinx.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:27 [date_creation] => [name] => Tête du Sphinx [name_en] => Head of the Sphinx [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 8341 [filesize] => 492 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154127-f973f35d.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => f973f35d8e34cb75a52f7dbb1f6e9b0b [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 6 [TN_ALT] => Tête du Sphinx [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Head of the Sphinx [TN_TITLE] => Tête du Sphinx (8341 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/721/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 721 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154127-f973f35d.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Tête du Sphinx ) views
Temple in Egypt - Wallpaper7505 viewsArray ( [id] => 720 [file] => Temple en Egypte - fond d'écran.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:23 [date_creation] => [name] => Temple en Egypte - fond d'écran [name_en] => Temple in Egypt - Wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 7505 [filesize] => 556 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1200 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => 4.24 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154123-25f7b76f.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 25f7b76fc55faebd7272f030dc3f0c90 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-10-05 18:18:31 [rank] => 7 [TN_ALT] => Temple en Egypte - fond d'écran [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Temple in Egypt - Wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Temple en Egypte - fond d'écran (7505 visits, rating score 4.24) [URL] => picture.php?/720/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 720 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154123-25f7b76f.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1200 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Temple en Egypte - fond d'écran ) views
Safari in South Africa6380 viewsArray ( [id] => 719 [file] => Safari en Afrique du Sud.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:18 [date_creation] => [name] => Safari en Afrique du Sud [name_en] => Safari in South Africa [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 6380 [filesize] => 323 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154118-92a2718a.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 92a2718a0c3fddffd7f051a0e3669f8f [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 8 [TN_ALT] => Safari en Afrique du Sud [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Safari in South Africa [TN_TITLE] => Safari en Afrique du Sud (6380 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/719/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 719 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154118-92a2718a.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Safari en Afrique du Sud ) views
Pyramids of Giza - HD9427 viewsArray ( [id] => 718 [file] => Pyramides de Gizeh - HD.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:14 [date_creation] => [name] => Pyramides de Gizeh - HD [name_en] => Pyramids of Giza - HD [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 9427 [filesize] => 237 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154114-6d257bda.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 6d257bdac93d7dab8b4670bd2d9e3410 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 9 [TN_ALT] => Pyramides de Gizeh - HD [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Pyramids of Giza - HD [TN_TITLE] => Pyramides de Gizeh - HD (9427 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/718/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 718 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154114-6d257bda.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1600 [1] => 900 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Pyramides de Gizeh - HD ) views
Pyamids of Egypt8712 viewsArray ( [id] => 717 [file] => Pyamides d'Egypte.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:11 [date_creation] => [name] => Pyamides d'Egypte [name_en] => Pyamids of Egypt [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 8712 [filesize] => 485 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1440 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154111-fa331b44.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => fa331b44aa7d6d343884023a49dbbd76 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 10 [TN_ALT] => Pyamides d'Egypte [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Pyamids of Egypt [TN_TITLE] => Pyamides d'Egypte (8712 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/717/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 717 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154111-fa331b44.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1440 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Pyamides d'Egypte ) views
The Sphinx in Egypt9113 viewsArray ( [id] => 716 [file] => Le Sphinx en Egypte.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:05 [date_creation] => [name] => Le Sphinx en Egypte [name_en] => The Sphinx in Egypt [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 9113 [filesize] => 520 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1440 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => 4.24 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154105-b629ca1f.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => b629ca1fda173b8cf2c56021cd96a626 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-10-05 18:18:31 [rank] => 11 [TN_ALT] => Le Sphinx en Egypte [TN_TITLE_ENG] => The Sphinx in Egypt [TN_TITLE] => Le Sphinx en Egypte (9113 visits, rating score 4.24) [URL] => picture.php?/716/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 716 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154105-b629ca1f.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1440 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Le Sphinx en Egypte ) views
The Sphinx - HD Wallpaper8969 viewsArray ( [id] => 715 [file] => Le Sphinx - Fond d'écran HD.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:41:00 [date_creation] => [name] => Le Sphinx - Fond d'écran HD [name_en] => The Sphinx - HD Wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 8969 [filesize] => 392 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154100-425fcc3a.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 425fcc3ada600eb09daa2c5cb2f9ca68 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 12 [TN_ALT] => Le Sphinx - Fond d'écran HD [TN_TITLE_ENG] => The Sphinx - HD Wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Le Sphinx - Fond d'écran HD (8969 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/715/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 715 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154100-425fcc3a.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Le Sphinx - Fond d'écran HD ) views
Entrance of the great pyramid9263 viewsArray ( [id] => 714 [file] => Entrée de la grande pyramide.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:40:56 [date_creation] => [name] => Entrée de la grande pyramide [name_en] => Entrance of the great pyramid [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 9263 [filesize] => 941 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154056-d26d3f4b.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => d26d3f4bbb69e0b6eb4a777bee6b8cfb [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 13 [TN_ALT] => Entrée de la grande pyramide [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Entrance of the great pyramid [TN_TITLE] => Entrée de la grande pyramide (9263 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/714/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 714 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154056-d26d3f4b.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Entrée de la grande pyramide ) views
Dubai - 2560x16009451 viewsArray ( [id] => 713 [file] => Dubaï - 2560x1600.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:40:47 [date_creation] => [name] => Dubaï - 2560x1600 [name_en] => Dubai - 2560x1600 [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 9451 [filesize] => 847 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => 2.62 [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154047-dbbe24be.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => dbbe24bef4c7474b3d8a254042d62449 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2024-08-16 23:25:03 [rank] => 14 [TN_ALT] => Dubaï - 2560x1600 [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Dubai - 2560x1600 [TN_TITLE] => Dubaï - 2560x1600 (9451 visits, rating score 2.62) [URL] => picture.php?/713/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 713 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154047-dbbe24be.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Dubaï - 2560x1600 ) views
Dubai - Wallpaper8945 viewsArray ( [id] => 712 [file] => Dubai - fond d'écran.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:40:40 [date_creation] => [name] => Dubai - fond d'écran [name_en] => Dubai - Wallpaper [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 8945 [filesize] => 489 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154040-e2a8e1f7.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => e2a8e1f79572c2f43cd96008ad2ee78d [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 15 [TN_ALT] => Dubai - fond d'écran [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Dubai - Wallpaper [TN_TITLE] => Dubai - fond d'écran (8945 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/712/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 712 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154040-e2a8e1f7.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Dubai - fond d'écran ) views
Dromedaries in the desert6465 viewsArray ( [id] => 711 [file] => Dromadaires dans le désert.jpg [date_available] => 2018-04-11 15:40:35 [date_creation] => [name] => Dromadaires dans le désert [name_en] => Dromedaries in the desert [comment] => [author] => [hit] => 6465 [filesize] => 1115 [width] => 2560 [height] => 1600 [coi] => [representative_ext] => [date_metadata_update] => 2018-04-11 [rating_score] => [path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154035-414091bc.jpg [storage_category_id] => [level] => 0 [md5sum] => 414091bcc817cb25d77276a77819e158 [added_by] => 1 [rotation] => 0 [latitude] => [longitude] => [lastmodified] => 2019-10-25 20:50:36 [rank] => 16 [TN_ALT] => Dromadaires dans le désert [TN_TITLE_ENG] => Dromedaries in the desert [TN_TITLE] => Dromadaires dans le désert (6465 visits) [URL] => picture.php?/711/category/Afriques-et-moyen-orient [DESCRIPTION] => [src_image] => SrcImage Object ( [id] => 711 [rel_path] => ./upload/2018/04/11/20180411154035-414091bc.jpg [rotation] => 0 [size:SrcImage:private] => Array ( [0] => 2560 [1] => 1600 ) [flags:SrcImage:private] => 1 ) [icon_ts] => Array ( ) [NAME] => Dromadaires dans le désert ) views